Monday, November 10, 2008

Wind Power

I am a strong supporter of renewable energy sources. I have been baffled for years on why we can't use the wind and and sun more widely for power sources. I understand that Solar is still pretty expensive and more research is needed to make it feasible, but wind is economically feasible now.

I live in Northern Colorado where Wind Power is gaining support with the help of an energy conscious Governor and hopefully a new president on our side. Vestas, a Denmark company, has recently built a wind turbine plant in Windsor, CO and is building a second plant in Brighton, CO. This should help push for more Wind Plants in Colorado, Wyoming, and across the West and Midwest.

I recently read an interesting article on offshore wind farms. According to the article Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Ireland have installed offshore turbines, and Germany has approved nearly two dozen projects expected to go online soon. The U.S. currently has no offshore wind production, although some projects are in the works including a feasibility study under way for a possible wind farm in Lake Erie near Cleveland.

It is estimated that the Great lakes could support 100,000 Wind Turbines, which would create enough energy to power 1/3 of American homes annually. Think of what an impact that could make.

Of course there are issues to think about like bird migration patterns, fish spawning sites, and shipping lanes. In my opinion these issues are much easier to find solutions to than finding a way to dispose of nuclear waste or fighting wars for oil.

When I think about my children and the world I wish to leave behind for future generations, alternative power sources generated by sustainable practices is at the top of the list. We have got to do what we can now to cut our ties with fossil fuels and move on to Wind and hopefully someday Solar. Do what you can today and future generations including your kids and grandchildren will appreciate it.

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