Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Manure Digester to Produce Energy

Another exciting announcement for green energy in Colorado. An anaerobic digester will be installed by Microgy in the Fort St. Vrain power plant. This will produce 125,000 megawatt-hours which is enough to power 17,000 homes annually. The energy will be purchased by Xcel Energy, Colorado's largest energy provider. This is a great step forward for Xcel Energy who is under pressure to meet requirements of 20% of its energy being from renewable sources before 2020.

There is some interesting history at the Fort St. Vrain Power Facility. It was originally opened in 1979 and operated for 10 years as a nuclear power plant. It was shut down in 1989 and decommissioned as a nuclear plant. In 1996 it was reopened as a natural gas burning facility. This facility is coming full circle with the addition of a cow manure digester.

I love seeing new was to create renewable energy, especially here in Colorado. This is a great plan and I am glad to see Xcel jump on board to make it possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great! Thanks for posting!