Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Things to do on Earth Day With Your Children

We all know how wonderful Earth Day is and how important it is to teach our kids about preserving our natural resources and honoring Planet Earth. But what can you do to help celebrate nature with your children?

The top 5 things to do with your child for Earth Day.

1. Plant a Tree. They say there are 2 good times to plant a tree. The first is 20 years ago and the second is now.

2. Participate in a waterway cleanup or city sponsored event in your area. Check with your local Parks and Rec department for volunteer opportunities.

3. Take your load of recyclable materials to the recycling center. And talk to your kids about recycling on the way.

4. Take a hike. Enjoy the natural spaces around you whether it is a river, lake, desert, or mountains. Talk to your kids about the natural spaces and the animals that live there. Discuss the importance of the water, trees, and plants to the survival of those animals.

5. Go for a ride. Take a bike ride to the library, store, or park. Just make sure to give your car a rest. Be sure to talk to your kids about ways to limit the families dependency on driving everywhere.

Whatever you do, make sure and get your kids involved and talk to them about it. They will remember the things you teach them and that will be what makes the biggest difference for our planet.

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