Thursday, March 5, 2009

Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy

A friend sent me a link to comedian Louis CK on the Conan O'Brien Show. I usually don't watch stuff like this, but it did crack me up. Check out the video here.

Louis CK makes a good point about how us silly Americans are so spoiled and don't even appreciate all the luxuries that we have. He talks about the amazing abilities of Cell Phones and Airplanes. These are amazing advances and we complain and feel like we deserve more.

If you take a moment and think about how easy we have it and how much harder things could be, it is hard to be so cranky all the time. I know in my personal life I am trying to simplify and to be grateful for all I have. There is an awful lot to be grateful for if you just stop and think about it. But that is the thing, we never stop to think.

Please take time to teach your children about all there is to be thankful for. Please don't let them see you rushing through life without taking a deep breathe. Every generation has been getting worse and worse. It is up to us to make sure our kids take a step in the right direction.

Think about it. I'd love to see your comments on this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. I agree. Nobody seems to be happy, everything is complaining about everything and we actually have it so good. Life is good!

Keep Rocking It CP, you rule, and the store is so cute too.