Sunday, January 18, 2009

What is in the Water?

Should local governments have the right to add chemicals to our drinking water? Society has largely accepted that municipalities add fluoride to our drinking water and we assume it is in our best interest. Is it? I personally don't like the fact that my city is adding fluoride to my children's drinking water. I view this as big government 'medicating' my children. If fluoride is good for my kids teeth then I'll make the choice to use it for brushing their teeth, but I don't think it should be digested in large quantities.

The benefits of Fluoride was first discovered in the 1930's and was first added to public drinking water in the mid 1940's. Today, about two-thirds of Americans have fluoridated water.

The International Society of Doctors for the Environment stated, "The development of a fetus and of an infant (breast-feeding) can be negatively affected by drinking water with 'optimal' sodium fluoride levels because it is a toxin, and especially a neurotoxin, scientifically proven capable of affecting intelligence, thyroid, hormones and reproduction."

The currently accepted safe levels of fluoride in drinking water was established over 60 years ago. I believe it is time to reexamine these accepted levels and ask ourselves if this is something we want our children digesting. Let's not forget that asbestos, saccharin, DDT, and agent orange were all considered safe at one time.

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