Saturday, January 17, 2009

How do our children learn?

Have you ever sat back and watched your young children learn? It is fascinating to watch children learn through imitation and imagination. They learn through playing. They imagine situations and learn from playing it out. They also learn from imitating the things they see their parents or older kids do.

I believe that it is important to develop a sense of wonder in your young children. There is no better way to get your children wondering about their world than to get them out into it and allow them to ask questions. I love taking my kids into nature where we can spend hours talking about the animals that live in the area, or the different kids of plants, the sky, weather, or whatever.

The Waldorf Philosophy is an educational philosophy that shares the same desire to get kids active in their world and use creativity to learn. Waldorf schools keep children learning by using storytelling, puppetry, and creative play. Through games, finger plays, painting, drawing, and beeswax modeling your child learns to be creative and to explore the world around them.

So take advantage of any warm winter days and get your children out for nature walks and help them explore the world around them. On colder days be sure to fill their day with art projects and creative playtime. It is so fun to watch them discover things and it helps them learn to keep asking questions.

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