Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vote Today!!!

Today is the last day to vote on to help save handmade toys and the small businesses who make and sell these wonderful products. We must change the Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) to exempt small business owners. The voting ends at 5:00 Eastern time. Vote now and then email your friends and ask them to vote.

Please make your voice heard so our children can continue to play with handmade toys. The money generated for these small businesses is important to our overall economy.

If you haven't voted yet, do it now.


Anonymous said...

We did it! We made the top 10 with over 12,000 votes. Thanks for spreading the word.

Kids Loving Nature said...

Actually it was just over 1200 votes, but yes, we did it. Let's hope good things come of this and don't give up, we still have a fight ahead of us.