Sunday, December 21, 2008

CPSIA's ban on handmade toys

As you know, Large toy manufacturers have been outsourcing the production of toys to China and other countries. It has been highly publicized that many unsafe toys have been entering our market. The dangerous toys include toys with high level of lead content, toys with unsafe small parts, toys with loose magnets, and toys made from other toxic chemicals.

Nearly all of the problem toys in the 2007 recalls were made in China. Finally Congress admitted that the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) lacked the authority and staffing to prevent dangerous toys from being imported into the US. In an attempt to make our toys safer they passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. The CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys.

This sounds great... But what about the small toy manufacturers? What about the handmade wooden toys built by small entrepreneurs in the garage? How is a small toy manufacturer going to afford the $4000 to have their toy approved. It is going to drive the small business owners out of business and stop the wonderfully handmade toys from being sold. There are many niche retailers who also will suffer from these new rules. But most of all think of the kids. They will have no other available toys except those made by large toy manufacturers, the ones who caused the problem to begin with.

You can read a proposal to improve the CPSIA here.

And sign a petition to stop this misguided law here.

Please sign the petition and contact your congressman or woman and help get this Act adjusted to keep the large manufacturers accountable without driving out their small competitors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My! That isn't good! You can bet I'm signing the petition.