Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cycling for Transportation

This time of year with record low temperatures and snow blanketing most of the country, people aren't thinking about riding bikes for transportation. Gas prices were over $4 a gallon this summer but have dropped to less than $1.50 in most parts of the U.S. Regardless of the price of gasoline, finding other ways to reduce our dependence on oil is still very important.

I recently came across this article about Creating a Culture of Cycling. The article is about the efforts in Boulder Colorado to encourage bicycling as a form of transportation. In thinking about what it means to create a Culture of Cycling, I believe that the only way to make a long lasting effect is to teach our children the importance of eliminating use of oil and creation of global warming gases.

One important change from our government is the passing of the Bicycle Commuters Act which congress passed in October as part of the bailout plan. This new Act beginning in January, will give companies a tax credit of up to $20 each month per cycling employee. It is great to see the government encouraging cycling. Look into it and see if you qualify.

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