Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Toy Safety

Thanksgiving is here and the mad rush of holiday shopping has begun. 2007 was a busy year for toy recalls with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issuing a record 138 toy recalls. But that's all behind us now, right. Think again. The number of toy recalls so far in 2008 is down 46 percent, to 74 recalls, according to a CPSC report released in mid-November.

The main cause of toy recalls is for elevated lead levels, mostly in paint. Lead is harmful to a child's developing brain. The effects of lead exposure to children include reduced IQ, shorter attention span and learning disabilities.

In response to last year's wake-up call, regulators, manufacturers and retailers have all introduced new toy safety standards unfortunately these new safety standards take effect after this year's holiday season. Isn't this saying, 'Hey we know this stuff is bad but lets just sell the inventory we have then we'll make better stuff next year.' I don't know about you but that is unacceptable for my children.

Last year's recalls got a lot of attention, but what really was the risk involved in those toys? Well, in 2007 the CPSC recorded 18 toy-related deaths of U.S. children under 15 and estimates 170,100 injuries required emergency-room treatment.

The important thing is to be careful and watch what kind of toys you purchase for your children. You can check some of the current recalls Here. Please get informed and watch out for toxic toys.

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