Sunday, November 30, 2008

Toxic Toys

We all learned from the well publicized recalls of 2007 that many dangerous toys have been finding their way to store shelves in America. I have blogged before about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. This Act is a major step forward for keeping our children safe, but many of its protections don't take effect until 2009. That means this shopping season unsafe toys with small parts, tiny magnets, or lead paint are still on the shelves.

Last week the Consumer Product Safety Commission told companies that they could keep selling toys with toxic phthalate chemicals until they ran out of them, even though the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act clearly prohibits selling them after Feb. 10.

I personally am outraged that these toy companies have a product that we know is unsafe and we are allowing them to sell them all now and just expect them to build better toys next year. Are the loss in profits for these major corporations more important than the safety of our children? Can we put our children's health at risk simply so these companies can sell all of their products, even when we know they are dangerous to our kids?

It is no longer safe enough to just stay up to date on the toy recalls. The CSPC is now allowing the sale of toys that they know are dangerous to children. We can no longer trust Manufacturers, Retailers, or even our own Government Agencies. Please get educated and know how to keep your children safe. I suggest natural toys this Christmas. There are many options available for wood toys, silks, organic cotton dolls, and other natural toys. Please be aware of what your children receive this holiday season and keep them safe.

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