Friday, November 14, 2008


According to The Paper Industry Association Council (PIAC) by 2012, the paper industry hopes to recover 60 percent of the paper Americans consume. Recycled paper currently accounts for about 37% of the fiber used to make paper in the US.

Recycling paper is very important not only to save trees but also just to preserve landfill space. According to PIAC every ton of paper recycled saves more than 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.

Most businesses and schools have some form of paper recycling programs and 87% of Americans have access to drop off or curbside paper recycling programs. If your employer does not have a recycling program talk to them about it, or take home the newspaper and throw it in your home recycling bin. Also, make sure your child's school is recycling. After all, what good is a school that doesn't teach our kids the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

At Hip Mountain Mama we are very conscious of reusing shipping supplies. We reuse boxes, packaging peanuts, and bubble wrap that we receive from our suppliers. While we have had to buy some boxes all of the packaging material shipped out has come from shipments to us. It is our hope that our customers are then reusing the same materials again.

We have a strong desire to preserve our planet and just wouldn't feel right shipping organic cotton toys, hemp clothing, or any other of our socially conscious products in a wasteful way.

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