Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keep it simple

I stumbled upon a list of 'The Hottest Toys for Kids" according to some commercialized and highly advertiser dependant web site. I didn't have the heart to spend much time looking through it. I looked at the age 3-5 category and saw flashing lights, cheap plastic, and tiny little pieces. I thought, "Not for my kids"

Then out of curiosity I clicked on the new born section. Surely we are still keeping it simple for our babies. No. It is mostly lights, whistles, and batteries.

No wonder our children are growing up with ADD, obesity, and other problems. Right out of the womb we bombard them with bright lights and sounds. What ever happened to letting a baby discover a simple toy like a rattle. Baby and Children toys should be about discovery and imagination, not which button do I hit next.

Are we simply prepping our children to be button pushers who work in the cubicle labyrinth and don't ask any questions? Would America be falling behind in the global market place if we raised thinkers instead of direction followers?

When I look at my children I see the future. You can bet I am giving them the tools they need now to discover the world around them and allow them to be the creative force of the future.

Please join me in telling (with use of your dollars) the major toy manufacturers that we aren't interested in their toxic (if not chemically then mentally) toys. Please consider purchasing wood rattles, wood trucks, play silks, or dress up items for the children on your shopping list. You may think they need or want the fancy plastic toys, but you'll be surprised by the hours of fun and laughter your child will get out of a play silk.

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