Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Motrin Moms

If you haven't seen the new ad by Motrin about baby carrying check it out here. This ad has made quite a stir with moms and has already been pulled by Motrin which was planning on using the ad in a large magazine campaign along with use on its website.

The ad is considered by many to be disrespectful and insulting with language that implied carrying a baby is a fashion accessory. They actually use the words "Supposedly it's a real bonding experience" referring to carrying a baby. Are you freaking kidding me... The ad also refers to carrying babies in slings as "these things."

It is obvious the power moms have with the use of blogs, tweets, and email to spread the word about this damaging ad campaign. Seriously, what were they thinking. Motrin's parent company Johnson & Johnson should have had someone who thought this ad was a bad idea. Instead of getting moms to identify with the company they have turned them against the company.

It is my opinion that carrying your baby is the best way to take them anywhere. It is a natural way to care for and bond with your baby. Your baby needs it. I love carrying my kids. It isn't an inconvenience or a hassle.

The most damaging part of the ad campaign is what about new moms who don't know the truth about carrying their baby. The ad gives the perception that carrying your child in a sling or other carrier is a bad thing to do. Not cool J & J.

Check out a story about this from more of a business aspect here.

Please carry your baby in a sling, wrap, or carrier regardless of this corporations view. After all, as a drug company it isn't in their best interest for you to raise a healthy happy baby.

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