Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Born

Get Born Magazine is the uncensored voice of motherhood. Get Born is an offering to the power of birth and rebirth, a tribute to the miracle of being woman, to the joy and pain involved in “getting born.”

The magazine is now available all across Colorado's front range. The magazine is an honest and edgy look at motherhood. It is not a bash on motherhood, nor is it a celebration. It is an honest look at being a mother written by mothers.

The founders say, "We founded get born because we felt that, across the board, good, quality, deep writing for mothers about motherhood, not just about raising kids, but about the state of motherhood was largely unavailable. We thought that was a tragedy; of all the chosen professions, none is more completely conflicted than motherhood, and it's certainly worthy of quality writing."

Check out the Get Born web site for locations across Colorado where the magazine is available or subscribe online if you live outside of Colorado.

Hip Mountain Mama is proud to be advertising in Get Born Magazine. We support this publication and the unique material they are making available to mothers.

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