Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is Your Organic Food Coming from a Small Company?

This is something that I came across that I thought was really interesting. Many of us think that by buying organic or natural food we are supporting small businesses. You may be surprised who you are actually supporting. Click on the link below to find out.


That's right Kashi and Morningstar are owned by Kellog, Boca is owned by Kraft, and Cascadian Farm is owned by Gerneral Mills.

As the organic food industry continues to grow, I expect we will see even more large corporations start organic product lines or purchase some of the smaller companies. I guess this is good as long as we all have healthier choices available to us. Just remember to support your local CSA or farmers market.

1 comment:

Amanda Vega said...

Here are three companies that are producing organic food products that are small, and staying small. The first, The Organic Bistro http://www.theorganicbistro.com has frozen organic foods that are also gluten free and low glycemic. The next one is http://www.mariaelenas.com/ who makes organic horchata and cotton candy. The last is our newest and favorite, First Juice. First Juice has created an organic juice with half the sugar of juices, and also comes in really great reusable bottles that don't leak, so it's better for your childs teeth! See their stuff at http://www.firstjuice.com. I agree - we should support these smaller businesses who are truly passionate about what they are doing, and are doing it for heartfelt reasons, not just profits!