Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Market Toys to Parents, Not Children

I try not to allow my children to watch TV very often but there are those moments from time to time that we all just need a break. It is amazing how the commercials are targeted to children and sure enough my daughter sees a commercial and says, "I want that".

It really doesn't seem fair for the toy manufacturers and retailers to target their marketing campaigns to children who then beg their parents for these toys that are plastic and break easily and are often times made of toxic chemicals. This advertising often sets up unrealistic expectations for children.

In these tough economic times wouldn't it be nice if they marketed to parents who could then make logical decisions on the products they chose to purchase for their kids. Well here is your chance. Here is a website that is starting a Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. You now have an opportunity to have your voice heard by these manufacturers and retailers.

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