Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Waldorf Education

For those of you who don't know, there is a growing number of parents migrating to an alternative education philosophy known as Waldorf or Steiner Education.

The Waldorf Philosophy was developed by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the 20th Century. Since that time it has spread to over 900 schools in 83 countries. According to the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, more than 250 of those schools are located in North America. The philosophy is based on the view that people are a being of body, soul, and spirit. This philosophy allows for development of each child's innate talents and abilities.

My children are currently home schooled using a curriculum based on the Waldorf Philosophy. We feel this is a great option for educating our preschool children. Our favorite part of this type of education is the connection to nature. Our children enjoy the nature walks, trips to farms, and watching the cycles of the moon.

Hip Mountain Mama is proud to offer Waldorf recommended art supplies, play silks, dolls, and wooden toys available to those choosing to provide children with natural toys and supplies. Also, check out Hip Mountain Mama's own line of discounted play silks hand dyed in vibrant colors.

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