Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Reckless Consumption Threatens our Planet

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released their latest assessment of the condition of our planet and says "If our demands on the planet continue to increase at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we would need the equivalent of two planets to maintain our lifestyles."

"We are acting ecologically in the same way as financial institutions have been behaving economically -- seeking immediate gratification without due regard for the consequences," said Jonathan Loh of the Zoological Society of London.

"If humanity has the will, it has the ways to live within the means of the planet, but we must recognize that the ecological credit crunch will require even bolder action than that now being mustered for the financial crisis," says WWF International Director-General James Leape.

I find it interesting to see Jonathan Loh's comparison of the economic crisis to our current state of the planet. He is right. People are living above their means in both money are resources. We have got to find a better way to get the energy we need and be more conscious of the decisions we make.

It has got to start with educating our children. If we teach our children to reduce, reuse, and recycle and to respect the resources we have we can make a positive change for the planet.

I am blown away on trash day when my house is the only house on the street with a recycling bin out. It's free. What the heck is wrong with these people? They have nothing that can be recycled? I am considering asking then if I can use their bin because most weeks mine is overflowing because I also bring home the daily newspaper from work to keep it from going to the land fill.

We have got to use sustainable products such as hemp and organic cotton. And we have got to have new leadership in Washington that understands the need for renewable energy.

Believe me. I am doing the little things that I can. But the most important thing I can do is teach the correct values to my children. Please join me in doing the same for your children.

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