Thursday, October 23, 2008

Attachment Parenting

We at Hip Mountain Mama are very excited to give our support to Attachment Parenting International. October is Attachment Parenting Month. It is a great time to check out their website and learn more about these great techniques to improve the relationship you have with your child.

Suzy is proud of her involvement with Attachment Parenting International. She was involved in starting an Attachment Parenting Group here in Loveland, CO. In fact she was even an AP Leader for the group. She has had to give that up to keep up with her two young children and her growing business.

Be sure to check out the Attachment Parenting Website and familiarize yourself with API's Eight Principles of Parenting. We believe there is nothing more important than building strong connections between parents and children. Keep and eye out for the Hip Mountain Mama ad in the next Journal of API and on their website.

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