Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All natural toys for imaginative play

This is only my 3rd post on this blog and I am already feeling sorry for having such an angry outlook. Today I would like to focus on the wonderful natural and imaginative toys available for children. We are all aware of the recalls on toys made in China, including everything from lead paint to small parts and magnets being a problem.

We have made an attempt to limit the number of plastic toys our children have available to them and it has been hard because our family members like to shop at big box stores. It is amazing the number of plastic toys we have received. Even more amazing is how quickly they break and how quickly the kids lose interest in them.

We recently added more dress up items and play silks to our collection of available toys. It is unbelievable how our children have grown into imaginative play. The plastic toys have noises and are cute at first, but children get tired of them quickly. The play silks are new every time you pick them up because you can imagine it is so many different things, including a doll sling, doll blanket, an ocean, a dress, a stream, a meadow, and so much more. The play silks my kids have are made by Sarah's Silks and were purchased at Hip Mountain Mama. Hip Mountain Mama is a great place to buy these silks because they are competitively priced and they offer a quantity discount.

Other Sarah Silk items include Princess Dresses, Streamers, Sky Tails, Crowns, Fairy Wings and more. Check out all the fun imagination silks available at Hip Mountain Mama.

There is nothing more fun than watching your children use their imagination and to get a glimpse into the mind of your child. If you give them the tools to make up their own little world, they will blow your mind.

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