Monday, September 15, 2008

All Natural Corn Syrup?

Are you kidding me?

We happened to catch this commercial on TV and can not believe the information it is putting out there. Check it out at

It is one thing to mislead parents for all these years with unclear labels but now an advertising campaign about how natural and possibly good for you corn syrup is. I would love to just laugh this off as such a rediculous ad but then I think of all the mothers who haven't taken the time to do the research for themselves. This is a perfect example of a large corporation or association feeding untruthful information to consumers to increase profits. I am all for capitalism but I believe in capitalism with integrity.

If you watch the commercial you can see the true message is why are you even questioning the corporations. The one mother seems embarrased and ashamed of questioning the giant food companies and then grabs a cup of juice and joins the herd. We are taught to just join the masses and stop thinking for ourselves.

I personally believe in feeding my children organic and natural foods that I can feel good about putting in their bodies. I love picking vegetables from the garden and getting local produce from a CSA and the farmers market to help establish a sustainable local economy. These are important things for the health of your children and I take pride in teaching my children that food doesn't come from grocery store shelves. This commercial is an extension of the belief that it is ok to eat whatever food is on the shelves at Wal-Mart. Why should we question what is in the food we eat when we can just sit back and let the corn growers association do the thinking for us. Afterall, they care about more than just profits...right?

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