Everywhere you turn someone is talking about how bad the economy is and people are losing their jobs. Even those who have not lost jobs are becoming more conscious of how they spend their money. So what are some great ways to save some money? Go Green!
There is a perception that being green is expensive. People look at the cost of organic food or solar panels and assume that they can't afford to be Eco-conscious. But if you really think about it being green can actually save you money in the long run. So what can you do to save money?
- Use reusable bags instead of buying zip lock bags. The very cute and durable SnackTaxi bags will outlast boxes and boxes of zip lock bags. If you are sending plastic bags in your child's lunch each day, it won't take long to actually be saving money.
- Use cloth diapers instead of disposable. There is some expense upfront with cloth diapers, but then you are set. Think of how many bags full of disposable diapers you will use one one child (let alone the pile of diapers headed to the landfill). You will definitely save money by buying cloth.
- Breastfeed. This is a no brainer. Formula is expensive and breast milk is healthier anyways.
- Be crafty. Learn to knit or sew. Your friends will love handmade gifts and it will alleviate the stress of gift giving on your budget.
- Conserve water and energy. Saving Energy= Saving Money.
So forget about the perception of Eco Friendly being expensive. Choose to be green and save money while you do it.
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