Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Einstein Doesn't Make Our Kids a Genius

I keep seeing headlines about the 'Baby Einstein Scam'. Are you serious? This is a scam? You mean I can't just leave my kids in front of the TV while I make dinner or check my Facebook account.
Did people really think that this DVD with bright colors, classical music, and puppets was going to do that? Are we as Americans that lazy and stupid?
I'll admit that I own a couple of the Baby Einstein Videos that my kids watched from time to time. I never expected the videos to make the kids smart and I always knew to use them sparingly when there was no other option to keep them occupied.
But I also surrounded my kids with play silks and toys to help them grow their imagination. Every parent should know that the only way to truly benefit your child is to spend time with them. Play with them and teach them to think on their own.
I am appalled at people who are surprised that the Baby Einstein Videos didn't make their kids smarter. It appears Disney is going to refund peoples money. I think those people who get refunds should all have to sign a piece of paper saying that, yes they truly believed that their kids would be smarter from watching television.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I hadn't read about this. People were surprised it didn't make their kids smarter? Really? Unbelievable!!!