Thursday, April 23, 2009

Buy from the People

Seriously, what is going on with the economy and our government's effort to 'fix' it. It appears to me that our leaders in Washington are spinning their wheels trying to come up with ways to spend money to get people 'back to work'.

Is it just me, or is the best way to get people back to work and spending money simply to buy the products that the people are making here in America. The buy American argument typically starts with cars and the whole GM, Chrysler, Ford mess. Forget about the auto makers. If they can't provide what the market wants then they should fail.

But what about your neighbor who is sewing handmade dolls, carving wood toys, knitting skirts, or producing any other item. I believe that if we supported the small businesses and bought their products instead of buying products from China we would put our neighbors to work and the cycle would work its way out.

There are some new benefits to the Government Backed SBA Loans. The government is guaranteeing a larger portion of the risk and has lowered the fees to obtain a new loan. It is a great time for people to quit looking for jobs and start creating their own jobs.

Please make a commitment to support small and local businesses especially those who sell products from other small businesses. An excellent example is Hip Mountain Mama. Hip Mountain Mama is a family owned and operating online retailer who primarily sells products made by small businesses here in America. Hip Mountain Mama carries American Made products from Offhand Designs, SnackTaxi, Heartwood Arts, Little Monkey Pouches, and other wood toys made right here in America. Also, don't forget to check out Etsy when you are looking for something handmade.

Give it a shot. I guarantee it will benefit us all much more than buying plastic products from China.

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