In a world full of poorly made imported hand bags it is refreshing to find an American company who is making handmade bags here in America. Offhand Designs is an Oakland, CA based company who makes handmade bags completely from design to the final stitches in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Offhand Design bags are built with the finest materials. There is no cardboard or glue in any of their bags. But what really drives the success of these bags is their outstanding style. The many different styles and patterns are beautiful. The bags are popular for knitting but these are not just great knitting bags, the multiple pockets and size of these bags make them very stylish diaper bags.
I am excited to announce a special discount on all Offhand Design Bags at Hip Mountain Mama. The sale of 20% off all bags is good April 1st through 8th. The sale is good for one week only. There is no discount code or coupon code necessary. Just order your handmade Offhand Design Bag at Hip Mountain Mama during the first week of April to receive the sale price.

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