Spring is here! All the little critters are coming back out and trying to find ways into your house. How do you teach your children to deal with Nature in your house? Do you teach them that all of these creepy crawlers are important to the natural world around us? Or do you smash them and use harmful chemicals to put them out of their misery?
I understand that many people are scared of spiders. Arachnophobia is a serious condition for many Americans. But spiders actually play an important role for the ecosystem around your home. Learn more about spiders from the Animal Planet site located here.
This is a great opportunity to teach your children about the world around them. Children can learn that everything even these little bugs are important in the greater cycle of life. Teach your children that Spiders are actually the original insecticide. They help reduce the number of other pests including flies and mosquitoes. Then they become food for birds, wasps, and other animals.
Catching the bugs and spiders and releasing them outside is an opportunity for your child to see these creatures up close and learn about them. Your child doesn't learn anything productive from smashing bugs. And the use of hazardous chemicals is very dangerous to your child. Research shows that conventional bug sprays contain toxic chemicals that harm your child's brain and nervous system. These important organs are still developing in your child and can be very harmful for exposure to all kids under the age of 12.
So do the right thing and be the fun mom who catches bugs and lets the kids check them out and learn about all the different parts of this exciting world we live in.
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