Saturday, February 28, 2009

Clean Energy is our Future

This week President Obama said, "We know the country that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will lead the 21st century," he then said, "It is time for America to lead again."

Thank goodness our country finally has a leader who sees the value of clean renewable energy. Our country can finally go in a direction that we can be proud of. I strongly support spending money on building our clean energy programs including solar and wind power.

But then I read this article on Yahoo Finance. In the article, investor and blogger Paul Kedrosky of Ten Asset Management says clean tech is "a giant capital pit". Kedrosky also says "there's no there there" in clean tech investing.

Congratulations Mr. Kedrosky in making the list of silliest statements of our time.

He now joins Ken Olsen, president of Digital Equipment Corporation, who at the Convention of the World Future Society in 1977 said, "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home."

Or a 1865 editorial in the Boston Post that stated, "Well informed people know it is impossible to transmit the voice over wires and that were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value."

Green energy is our future it is not a money pit. Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

It might be "hip" to think that we can just create alternative energy but it is not realistic. History and facts show that governments spend money and make worse choices that individual consumers. It's just statistical. The best example of this is nuclear energy. The US pulled back from nuclear in the 80's as government regulation increased while France continued building plants. Now France derives over 50% of its electrical energy use from nuclear.

Who was responsible for that the decision. It was not the consumer but Federal Government regulators. Will this happen again?

Kids Loving Nature said...

Thank you, Anonymous. I appreciate your comment but believe alternative energy is more than just 'hip'. It is actually a neccessary move forward. Your example of Nuclear Power is interesting. However, Nuclear has many problems (like waste) and I am glad our government pulled back before we had a major problem. However, Solar and Wind are truly clean energy. It isn't hard to generate. Where I live the sun shines and the wind blows nearly everyday. An investment to improve the technology and infrastructure will allow our country to prosper and we will leave our children a better place. We have to open our minds and move forward.