Thursday, January 29, 2009

CPSIA Update

As February 10, 2009 quickly approaches, we are getting very close to the new restrictions of CPSIA. We all worked very hard to spread the word. We joined a Facebook group, voted at, and wrote our senators and congress representatives.

The Save Handmade Toys group on finished in the top ten and will have the issue presented to President Obama. This is a major victory for our cause.

I just got an email back from my Congresswomen, Betsy Markey. She let me know that on January 16, 2009, the Committee on Energy and Commerce sent a letter to the CPSC raising these concerns and urging the Commission to take swift action to clarify the legal requirements before February 10, 2009. They specifically highlighted four major concerns: testing and certification requirements from children's books, guidance for resellers of children's products, component part testing, and guidance to small business generally.

I am optimistic that the Committee on Energy and Commerce's letter will help our cause. Thank you for everyone who helped and lets hope that our government will successful solve this problem.

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