Sunday, December 7, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

One of the easiest things a parent can do to make the most impact on our planet is to use reusable grocery bags. The reusable cloth bags have gained popularity in the last year or so. You can now even buy reusable bags at Wal-Mart and Home Depot. This is a wonderful change from the days when the local grocery clerks gave me dirty looks for asking them to use my bags. Apparently, it was a big inconvenience for them not to use their plastic bags.

But what is the big deal about reusing grocery bags?

  • The petroleum used in 14 plastic bags could power a car to drive 1 mile.

  • Americans use 380 billion plastic bags every year.

  • It takes 70% more global warming gases to make a paper bag instead of a plastic bag.

  • Paper bags do not biodegrade in landfills due to lack of oxygen.

  • An estimated 100,000 marine animals are killed annually due to plastic bags in the water.

  • In some parts of the ocean there are 6 pounds of plastic for ever 1 pound of fish.

Using a reusable bag twice a week for 2 years will save 832 plastic bags, equal to 60 miles worth of petroleum and 11 pounds of garbage. You can make a difference.

One excuse for not reusing bags is that people often forget to bring them to the store. Hip Mountain Mama carries a compact zipper bag that fits in your purse or diaper bag so you always have a bag with you. Hip Mountain Mama also carries fashionable organic cotton canvas bags so you can show a little style and don't have to use the basic store bags.

1 comment:

Holistic Mommy said...

I'm guilty of always leaving my bags at home. I forget my egg cartons, containers, and bags for bulk items as well...
I used to just suck it up and use plastic from the store when I forgot but, I forget so often that I've started punishing myself by leaving the store and having to return later with my bags...
Now I'm starting to remember :)