Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Glass Recycling

I just found out that in my town, the actual recycling rate of the curb side pick up is very low for glass. The City Solid Waste Division estimates that 70% of all glass bottles and jars left out at the curb are broken as they are collected, hauled, and unloaded. These broken glass bottles and jar can not be recycled and end up in the landfill.

That means if I put 10 bottles out to be recycled 7 will be broken and only 3 actually get recycled. That is mind blowing. What the heck are they doing between here and there?

In my city there are 3 drop off locations where you can drop off your bottles and nearly 100% will be recycled. I just can't believe that there isn't a better way to effectively collect recyclables at the curb.

Check with your local recycling department and see if your glass is actually being recycled or if there is a way for you to increase the actual percent recycled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding. 30% recycle rate? I'm calling my trash company in the morning to see if it is the same here.