Saturday, November 1, 2008

TV for young children?

In an interesting move, the broadcast authority in France has banned French Television channels from showing programs aimed at viewers under the age of three. You can read a story about it here.

The High Audiovisual Council was worried about the negative effects on these young viewers. They issued a statement saying that, "Television viewing hurts the development of children under three years old and poses a certain number of risks, encouraging passivity, slow language acquisition, over excitedness, troubles with sleep and concentration as well as dependence on screens."

I find this interesting and would like to see more studies following the recent popularity of 'baby' shows such as Baby Einstein. I know there are times when everyone needs a break and t.v. is an easy way to get that well deserved break, but spending a few minutes getting your child interested in a play silk or other toy that stimulates creative play is clearly the better option.

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